Three Home Insurance Blunders That Could Be Financially Devasting

Homeowners should never underestimate the significance home insurance has for their financial security. Finding the right home insurance policy is about delving into the details so that you know what to expect when it comes time to file a claim. Unfortunately, many homeowners don't put enough research into purchasing a policy and aren't aware of important details of their policy agreements. The following are three particularly common home insurance oversights that can cause homeowners to suffer unnecessary financial blows:

Answers To Common Questions About Insurance

A home is one of the most important possessions that you can own, but this major investment can suffer damage from an almost endless range of threats. Fortunately, insurance is widely available for those wanting to protect this investment, but some people do not have a well-developed understanding of insurance policies. Due to this, they may need a couple of routine questions addressed when they are shopping for a policy. 

4 Benefits Of Renter's Insurance

Homeowners are well aware of the importance of having home insurance, but what if you're a renter? Just because you don't own the home you are living in, doesn't mean you can't protect yourself. Look into renter's insurance and the many benefits of having this kind of policy. Fire Protection The first benefit to having a renter's insurance policy is that you have adequate protection from fire. If there is a fire in the home, the homeowner is probably covered by their own policy, but what about your personal belongings?

Deciding Whether It Pays To Have Roadside Assistance Coverage

When you're traveling out on the road, whether you are miles away or just a few blocks from your home, it may pay to include roadside assistance coverage on your auto insurance policy. That way, you will be covered when the unexpected happens. Since it's an add on to your policy, you pay more, but the cost is often worth the security it offers. Why buy roadside assistance insurance? Even if you don't usually travel far from home, there's always the chance that your vehicle may leave you stranded along the side of the road or in a parking lot.

Support Questionable Insurance Claims With Photo And Video Evidence

Commercial truckers on the long haul may run into a lot of strange surprises, but it may be difficult to be compensated for some situational issues. From stolen parts to suspicious looking surface damage, your insurance company may be quite confused about some of the issues before allowing payment. Using mobile devices such as smartphones and tablet computers, you can promote your claim with more clarity. Paint Splashes And Supply Spills Out Of Your Control