What Independent Contractors Need To Know About Workers Compensation Insurance Coverage

In 2021, many people are finding themselves at a crossroads in regards to their employment status due to not wanting to get vaccinated against COVID-19. Some have considered taking the situation into their own hands by quitting their jobs and working for themselves instead of for an employer. If this sounds like you and you feel it's the push you've needed to become an independent contractor, it's a good idea to protect yourself with workers compensation insurance to cover yourself in case of a work-related injury or illness.

Common Situations That Relate To Your Adult Child And Car Insurance That You Should Avoid Making

As a parent, wanting to make things easier for your adult child is probably your first response, especially if you know that he or she has been having a tough time lately. Unfortunately, some of the ways you might want to help could actually become very problematic down the road for everyone involved, including the insurance company. The following examples are common situations that you should avoid participating in whenever possible. Your Adult Child Buys Or Is Given Your Car.

What Are Voluntary Benefits And Which Should You Consider?

Voluntary benefits are a type of insurance that is organized by an employer but is paid for in its entirety by employees. Employees do not have to sign up for these benefits but are welcome to do so if they so choose. When you talk to your employer about what kinds of voluntary benefits the company offers, he or she may give you a list of several different benefits. You probably won't have the financial means or the desire to pay for all of them, but some of them are highly important.