An SR-22 car insurance certificate is required of high-risk drivers with a history of traffic offenses. This certificate serves as proof of financial responsibility, showing that you do indeed meet the minimum auto liability insurance requirement as required by your state. After the initial filing and getting your SR-22 car insurance certificate, here are a few things you will need to keep in mind.
1. Keep It on You
Just as with your standard auto insurance, be sure to keep your SR-22 car insurance certificate on you always. Keep in mind that proof of insurance is among the first things law enforcement will ask when they stop you for a traffic violation. With most auto insurance companies offering SR-22 car insurance, you don't have to worry about waiting too long. You may get an electronic file immediately or not too long after signing up. You should receive the certificate in print in your mail within a few days.
2. Keep It Current
By all means, ensure that your SR-22 car insurance does not lapse. This means always keeping up with your payments as required. Your insurer is mandated to let the government know about your insurance lapse. You may find yourself on the receiving end of hefty fines. If, for whatever reason, you are unable to remit your SR-22 car insurance payments on time, be sure to speak to the insurer and commit to making the payment as soon as possible.
3. Be a Safe Driver
In addition to driving without a valid license and insurance, being a not-so-safe driver and committing traffic violations is part of the reason why you would need an SR-22 car insurance certificate. Depending on your state's rules, you may need to file all over again if you commit another punishable violation or offense while carrying the SR-22 certificate. To avoid going through the whole process of filing for the certificate, and for your own safety and that of other road users, be a safe driver at all times. Also, keep in mind that your current SR-22 car insurance provider may decide to drop you as a client if you are punished for reckless driving again.
Follow these guidelines, and you can look forward to when the average term of your SR-22 car insurance lapses. Ensure that you keep up with the payments, so your insurance is current, have it with you, and always be a mindful and safe driver.
For more information, contact your auto insurance agency.