If you are in sales and drive a lot for a living, but you got a DUI, you want to make sure you can still drive after you see the judge for your case. There will be a lot of things you need to do if you want to keep your driving privileges, and if you're at least hoping to get a work permit. Look into the following so you are prepared when you are supposed to arrive to face the charges.
Find a DUI Lawyer
Find a DUI lawyer that works mainly with these types of cases, because they will have the expertise to keep you behind the wheel and to get you a work permit. The lawyer will want to concentrate on making sure you can still keep your job, and making sure you can get to and from all of your customers locations when needed so you can stay employed. Find out how many plea deals the lawyer has arranged and how many DUI charges they've fought successfully.
Get SR22 Insurance
Once you've been convicted of a DUI charge or you have had other serious driving violations, you can be required to get SR22 insurance. This is high risk insurance, and it's very costly. Most times you will have to take your proof of the policy to go to get your work driving permit. Go ahead and apply and get approval for the insurance, to show that you are going to take being insured seriously for the courts. Once you get the permit privileges approved, you can pay for your policy.
Start Alcohol Awareness Training
Chances are that a judge may require you to take some alcohol awareness or addiction classes. You can start going to these before you go for your court date to show the judge you're remorseful. This also gets some of the require classes out of the way after you are sentenced.
If you have been picked up for drinking and driving and you don't think that getting out of the charges is something that could realistically possible with your specific case, you wat to do these things so you can get a work permit. You don't want to lose your job or tell your customers that you can't see them because you got a DUI and lost your license. Instead, you want to prepare and put your best foot forward when it's your day in court. Click here for more information.