Being labeled as a high risk driver can be a big problem if it causes your insurance rates to shoot up. There are a couple of things that you can do to find more reasonable auto insurance rates when you're being labeled as a bad driver.
Make Sure the Records are Correct
If you've got a few real charges on your driving record, there's no sense in paying extra for an inaccurate charge. Make sure you know exactly what your driving record says. You can pull up your record for a fee at a local state DMV and make sure that all of the citations and charges are correct. The DMV can also help you to dispute any inaccurate information.
Get a Different Car
If your rates are sky high, it may be time to trade in your sports car for a more modest car. Used cars that have good safety ratings can bring in modest insurance rates, so check your local dealer for used Nissans if you're willing to set aside the expensive car for a while. Be sure to look up the safety rating online or with the manufacturer; these crash test ratings will often be used by insurers to help determine insurance rates.
Take Driver's Ed
You may have taken driver's education classes as a teenager, and you may recall getting a discount on your first insurance premiums for doing so. Well, there's a similar plan for drivers who need to take corrective driver's education courses. You may take a corrective driver's ed program online or in person, and showing your insurer a completed course certificate may have a great impact on your auto insurance rates.
Clean Up Your Personal Record
Finally, another thing that may come into play is your personal history. An insurance company may want to look at your credit, for instance. Try to pay down any collection debts and overdue bills before you apply for insurance rates to get the best possible deal.
It's important to note that every auto insurer is different; that means each company may evaluate different parts of your personal history and your driving record to come up with their rates. While it helps to improve all of these factors before seeking out the best auto insurance rates, in can also pay off to get several different quotes to make sure that you're approaching the situation from many angles.