Although there are a number of ways that you can avoid an increase in your auto insurance rate or even help lower this number year after year, one of the simplest methods is to avoid being in an at-fault accident. If you're getting set to take a summer vacation by car, it's worth brushing up on some road safety tips to help decrease your odds of being involved in a collision. There's no better time to be safe than right now -- August is the most dangerous month to be on the road, reports the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. By remembering a few important driving tips, you can increase your chance of getting home safely -- and keeping your insurance rate low.
Avoid Distracted Driving
It can be easy to get distracted when you're on vacation, whether you're trying to catch glimpses of the scenery out the window or are just keeping an eye on your GPS to make sure you don't miss a turn. Driving without paying proper attention to the road, however, is highly dangerous. More than 400,000 people were injured in collisions caused by distracted driving in 2013. Whenever you need to make a phone call or look up a destination on your smartphone, find a safe spot to pull over. Using your phone while driving triples your likelihood of getting into an accident.
Don't Drive Drowsy
While keeping focused behind the wheel is very important, so too is admitting when you're tired behind the wheel and taking a break. It can be tempting to ignore your fatigue and keep driving to reach your destination, but doing so is risky -- at least 5,000 fatal collisions each year are the result of drowsy driving. When setting your travel plans, try to avoid driving over long periods and into the night. Instead, opt for shorter trips with more stops that will help you feel more awake and alert.
Get Help From Technology
A GPS can be a valuable ally in helping you get to your destination, but some pre-trip planning is also ideal. Whether you're at home or in a hotel on your trip, take some time to check out the day's route using an online map. Take note of detours and high-traffic areas; if you have to drive into these zones, you'll know to lower your speed suitably. When possible, seek an alternate route to minimize your risk of being caught in a traffic volume-related accident.
For more tips on staying safe and avoiding accidents, speak with an insurance professional such as Thomas A. Nolfi Inc.