Springtime is here and with it comes the end of hibernation for some animals. They will be out foraging for food after the long winter and they will be starting to mate, as well. Because of the increase in the animal population, there is more of a chance of hitting one while driving. You will need to be extra alert during this time in order to save your vehicle from damage. Here are a few tips you can use to help keep yourself, your vehicle, and wild animals safe while you drive.
Be Aware Of Prime Times
Animals are most frequently on the road during dusk and dark. If you are driving at these times, you will want to be very cautious, as one could bolt out into the road at any time. During daytime hours there are more vehicles on the road, making animals stay in wooded areas until it seems it is less risky to venture into the roadway.
Cautious Steps You Can Take
When driving at times when animals are more prone to jumping out in front of your vehicle, use a slower speed so you will have more time to react. Stay alert and avoid distractions, such as eating while driving. Drive on roads you are familiar with so you will know in which areas animals are frequently in abundance. You will then also know where there are turns or dips in the road and would be able to slow down in anticipation of the changing conditions.
If An Animal Is In The Road
If you see an animal in the roadway in front of you, tap your brakes lightly in order to warn drivers behind you that you may be coming to a stop. Do not swerve to miss an animal, as you may cause damage to an oncoming vehicle or to your own. Beep your horn in an attempt to get the animal to move out of the way and slow down your vehicle so the impact is not as detrimental to your vehicle.
Braking suddenly can cause a vehicle behind you to hit your bumper, possible causing injury to anyone in either vehicle. It is better to hit the animal and call for help than to swerve and put others at risk.
What To Do If You Hit An Animal
If you do hit an animal, get your vehicle as far off the roadway as you can. Put on your flashers to alert other motorists that your vehicle is there. Make a phone call to the police alerting them that there was an animal hit so it can be removed and saved, if possible. Call a tow truck to come to your rescue if your vehicle is not able to be driven after the hit.
Take your vehicle to a garage for an estimate if this is the case. Call your insurance company to see if they will cover any of the repair. Make sure to take pictures of the damage and the animal in the roadway right after the accident as proof that you hit it. The insurance company can use this information to ensure you will be able to receive money for repair.
Talk to experts like Village Insurance for more information.